GNCM -40A is one of GN models of the drilling waste management package , it is contains of vertical cuttings dryer , decanter centrifuge , centrifuge feeding pump , mud agitator and work plat form . This is one of the popular model for drilling waste management in oil and gas industry to work as a package . This design can be working in a drilling waste management working plant or work beside solids control system on drilling site depending on client request .

The work plat form is the base of a whole package to hold all equipment and attachment together for fast moving . The work plat form contains 3 main different part , the first part is a vertical cuttings dryer plat form with a high skid to sit dryer , handrail and walkway for working on top . The second part of plat form is a small holding tank to hold mud after vertical cuttings dryer with a mud agitator on top and a slurry pump for feeding decanter centrifuge . The third part is the centrifuge work plat form with a high skid to allow centrifuge discharge into a tank by weight instead of by pump .

Vertical cuttings dryer and decanter centrifuge are the 2 main equipment for GNCM -40A drilling waste management package , the dryer will be mainly to dry drilling cuttings from solids control system and keep sure drying effeiciency bellow 5 percent and discharge fluids content recycled into holding tank , the centrifuge will be fed by a pump from holding tank for recycle drilling fluids and discharge clean mud into solids control system or to a storage mud tank . There are different option for decanter centrifuge and vertical cuttings dryer , VFD control is the top option with PLC control .