We are negotiating our first AD grit removal contract (potential 3000 ton). We will use the unit that is on the way for this.
We are putting a package together for sewage sludge, consisting mainly of rags and grit separation. First process will be the removal of the rags and for this we will have to make adjustment to a single deck shaker by adding spray bars underneath the shaker deck to be able to clean the mesh if it gets blocked. We can do this as a retrofit here but would prefer if it can be designed and constructed in your factory. We will need a buffer tank with pump to feed the spay bars incorporated in the unit ( fresh water fed). Video attached. We are looking at shaker:
GNZS703E-DZ one or two units to match 240m3 desander
After removal of the rags we have to deal with the grit and believe this should be done with a standard desander unit. GNZJ703E-D1S8N/ GNZJ703E-2S12N
We might want to add on to this a desilter unit or small centrifuge. The water for the spray bars can come from fresh water supply and does not have to be recycled as disposal of water is not a problem at sewage treatment plants.
All to be mounted on a tank with appropriate compartments.

We might need a suction pump (chopper pump type) to chop rags up to smaller bits and to deposit on the first shaker.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhTEjFd-vxo
Ideally none of the units to be longer than 2500mm so we can fit it broadways onto the lorry deck, together with walk ways and access ladder.