GN Solids Control Equipments in Houston Warehouse
GN Solids Control is a company located in Beijing, which is 40 minutes drive from Beijing airport. In the year of 2013, GN Solids Control registered GN Solids America LLC in Houston which owns the warehouse of about 700,000 SF.
During this two years fast development, GN is getting to known by more and more oil and gas companies in USA, Canada and Mexico. GN is keeping to attend the OTC since 2011, for the customers goes to the OTC will notice GN has two booth this year: one is for GN Solids Control Co., the other is for GN Solids America.
Although GN Solids America is a very new company in USA, experienced GN engineers and manufactures in Beijing headquarter are spare no efforts to supporting the development of GN Solids America. During these two years, GN has shipped many sets of shale shakers, mud cleaners, decanter centrifuges and cuttings dryers from Chinese factory to Houston warehouse. Some spare parts such as hydro cyclones, bearings, motors, shaker screens have been send here too. For clients we keep contact for long time cooperation, we make the storage plan for them. Whenever they need our solids control equipments, we can arrange the delivery immediately. All of the solids control equipments are storage step by step.

Now GN has 3 sets of mud cleaners, 8 sets of shale shakers, 3 sets of decanter centrifuges as well as some other spare parts in our Houston warehouse. Welcome to have a look when you have time. Yesterday, we just send out one mini decanter centrifuge 223, screw pump and spare parts to our customer’s work site. And now we have one variable speed decanter centrifuge is rented working for OBM separation.
For the American market, GN can provide our solids control equipments with rental service. Customers are welcomed to buy the machine after they do the testing working and satisfied with the working performance. If you are interested with our solids control equipments, please feel free to contact us at