GN Solids Control deliveried 10 sets of mud
storage tank to PNG last week , the mud tanks all can be delivery inside of
container to save freight cost . This PNG client has been work with GN solids
control for more than 3 years and the early cooperate was for shaker screens ,
After the screen order running well , they started to purchase other items like
mud tank from GN Solids . Untill now, they already purchased 16 sets of mud
tank from us and all of them meet requirement with happy working solution and
design .

The mud tanks are using 8mm steel for tank
bottom and 6mm steel for tank wall , 2200 mm x 2200 mm size make it can be
delivery inside of container , V type bottom make it easier to clean mud tank
and reduce solids settling down and block . 8 inch mud suction line at bottom
to keep sure mud suction and 6 inch mud feed line to make a circulation . It is
checker plate on tank top with a hole for checking , the hole is covered by a
door to keep sure mud tank is sealed and stop run goes in . Each tank has a
same design and can be connected by pipelines to maximum mud tank storage
capacity , the 4 sets of vertical tank can be lay in a line or square as per
client request and jobsite condition .

Other then mud tanks , GN Solids supply
solids control equipment also including shale shaker , oilfield
decanter centrifuge , desander to separate sand , desilter to separate silt ,
pump for transfer drilling mud , mud agitator for avoid solids setling down .
The electrical control system will be customized as per different equipment and
different standard .