GN Solids Control equipment has been exported to more than 60 countries for whole solids control system or separate solids control equipment . GN set an warehouse for spare parts and equipment stock for a better before and after sales in America . Normally we keep stock for GNZS703E / GNZS594E shale shaker , mud cleaner with shaker , desander and desilter , centrifugal pump , GNLW363CG decanter centrifuge , centrifugal pump , etc . The warehouse is located at Houston America .

GN Stand For OTC Oil Gand Gas Exhibition
Name Of The Show : The Off shore Technology Conference .
Address Of OTC Show : Reliant Park Houston , TX , Americal .
GN Solids Control booked 2 stands , the first stad No. is 290SF booked by Hebei GN Solids Control , the second stand No. is 6137 booked by the name GN Solids Americal LLC .
GN Solids will supply help service if client will visit GN Solids stand for talking cooperate , you can send email to source help , GN Solids email : .

Technical Spec Of Equipment That Shown At OTC Exhibition
2 sets high speed decanter centrifuge will be show , one set big bowl decanter centrifuge model GNLW553C –VFD variable speed decanter centrifuge , the big bowl centrifuge get a much high mud flow reaches to 400 GPM for big volume drilling mud process or drilling cuttings treatment for recycling fluid from drilling cuttings . It can be separated 2 – 5 microns by high G force .
1 set vertical cuttings dryer to recycling drilling mud from drilling cuttings that separated from solids control shale shaker . The vertical cuttings dryer can be working for oil base mud cuttings and water base mud cuttings both and allow fluids content below 5 percent .