GN Solids keep one set of HDD mud recycling system stock in Brisbane for sale with big discount as we are trying to sell this 200GPM HDD mud recycling system to stock a new design of mud system later . The HDD mud system is same procedure with oil and gas solids control system but it will require special design that different with oil and gas drilling solids control system depending on it’s different conditons , the detail special as follows :

1) HDD mud recycling system need very compact design cause it’s moving cost very high compare it’s profit , the more compact , the easier and lower cost for moving or transport . The best design is try to avoid crane for moving cause crane cost too much . The walkway and hand rail normally can be folded down or up without disassemble , and mud cleaning equipment lay on tank top within road transport height limit .
2) Most of HDD mud recycling system is one tank design , and many tanks are trailer mounted or jack up legs for fast moving . GN Solids built many sets of jack up mud system to Australia for fast transport which is very convinent and not related to too high standard , there are supplier for trailer mounted tank also which have a same purpose for fast moving mud tanks .
3) Total dimention will need meet local road transport regulations , when design the whole mud recycling system , the engineer need consider all dimentions and finish dimention and keep sure all will be fine after finshied

Other than some of mud recycling equipment or system , GN Solids Control keep standard spare parts in Brsibane , Australia for fast service to clients there . Please contact GN Solids for more information if you interest for the stock .