Drilling waste management equipment is designed to dry oilfield drilling cuttings that discharge from shale shaker on solids control system . The drilling cuttings that discharge from shale shaker normally contains some percentage of fluids but we don’t want the fluids content , and wanna to separate the fluids contain out to get dry solids . The vertical cuttings dryer is designed by centrifugal force to separate fluids contain out within 5 percent , so that the dry solids can be delivery away for further process .

Other then vertical cuttings dryer , there will need oil field decanter centrifuge to recycling the fluids content that separated from oil field drilling cuttings . The fluids contain will contains a lot of fine solids cause screen of vertical dryer minimum 0.25mm size hole , one set of high speed decanter centrifuge will be layed after vertical cuttings dryer for 2 – 5 microns separation , the dry solids out of decanter centrifuge will be delivery away for further treatment together with dry drilling cuttings out of vertical cuttings dryer and fluids contain will be transferred into solids control system for re-use .

There can be different of pump for feeding decanter centrifuge , screw pump is the best way to protect solids content to keep more the majority solids can be separated out . The screw pump normally will be lay separately or on the vertical cuttings dryer working frame . It will takes some space on the frame . Screw auger will be used also on feeding of vertical cuttings dryer or transfer other solids content or drilling cuttings to save man power . GN Solids Control build a full line of drilling waste management system , there are more information on GN website or you can ring GN office for more information .