A oil field solids control system including shale shaker , mud tank , centrifugal pump , desander , desilster , mud cleaner , vacuum degasser , mud agitator , poor boy degasser , mud gun , etc . A complete line of solids control system will help to make a circulation for drilling mud with mud recycling , mixing and storage application . There will be different models of above equipment with different size tank and pipeline arrangement to make different solids control system .

Oil field decanter centrifuge is the forth phase cleaning equipment after desilter cone to separation solids 2 – 5 microns by different model and size of decanter centrifuge . GN Solids Control supply several models with different size of bowl and bowl speed . Amoung all the models , GNLW363 –CG , GNLW363 CG – VFD , GNLW363 –CD , GNLW363 CD-VFD are the most popular models for oil field . They are all 360mm diameter for bowl diameter and 3200 RPM speed max , but the VFD control panel will make decanter centrifuge speed changeable from 0 to 3200 RPM . There are tungsten carbile tiles or ceramic tiles bolted on screw impeller depending on different model .

The shale shaker will be the first phase cleaning to 400 micron by 40 mesh screen , the mud flow will be depending on screen size a lot . Desander is the second phase cleaning by centrifugal force and desilter is the third phase cleaning by centrifugal force . All this will reduce centrifuge load and separate drilling cuttings , sand and silter . The vacuum degasser will lay before desander to separate gas in drilling mud and poor boy degasser lay before shale shaker .
The oilfield decanter centrifuge will require ex – plossion proof electrical motor and electrical control panels . Please contact GN Solids freely if you have special requirement on standard or requirement .