GPS is a short name of global petroleum show in Calgary , Alberta , Canada . GN Solids America bring one set of big bowl decanter centrifuge shown at global petroleum . This is the first time for GN Solids America show equipment at GPS in Canada , so GN Solids America deliveried one set big bowl decanter centrifuge to Canada from Houston , America . GN Solids China start GN Solids America in year of 2012 then the America and Canada market turns to be one of the important market for GN Solids and we show equipment at OTC in Houston , America every and will taking more activities in future to enlarge GN Solids America .

GNLW553VFD model is the GN big bowl decanter centrifuge with VFD control panel to make centrifuge speed changeable from zero from 3200 RPM by separation size 2 – 7 microns . It is tungsten carbide tiles bolted on tile frame and frame welded on screw impeller . Special ceramic protection material installed on solids discharge point and mud distribution point . It is duplex stainless steel material 2205 which is better than SS316 or SS304 material for centrifugal casing to make it better performance . The bowl diameter 550 mm and bowl length 1700 mm with stainless steel for collection box .
GN Solids Control set up division company at America and Russia name for GN Solids America and GN Solids Russia . Other than big bowl decanter centrifuge , there are several options for decanter centrifuges and other solids control equipments from GN Solids . The big bowl decanter centrifuge can be working for oil and gas drilling , coal bed methan , horizontal directional drilling , etc . Please contact GN Solids freely for inquiry or technical support .