China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau with name China CPP for short, they purchased 500 GPM mud recycling system with and or without decanter centrifuge . The original purchase of 500 GPM mud system from China CPP is one tank 500 GPM mud system with one set linear motion shale shaker and one set liner motion mud cleaner to reach 500 GPM mud flow . But this time, they ordered 1000 GPM mud flow with 2 set decanter centrifuge and 2 sets double deck shale shaker .

Main Introduction Of 1000 GPM Mud System For China CPP
There are 2 mud tanks totally , the first mud tank will install one set linear motion double deck shale shaker with 2 sets desander cones and one set linear motion double deck shale shaker with 12 sets desilter cone . The 2 sets linear motion shaker fit on a 20ft container frame for easy moving . The bottom tank is a 20ft container size mud tank to hold mud from shakers and desander / desilter cones with 3 compartment .
The second mud tank is a 20ft container size mud tank , there are 2 sets decanter centrifuge installed on top which sit on another 20ft container size frame for easy moving . The mud tank is designed to hold mud from 2 sets decanter centrifuge after treated. The middle speed decanter centrifuge will separate solids from 5 to 7 microns after desilter separation which made a great progress on separation for Trenchless mud system .

This 1000 GPM mud system is a very top configuration to contain 2 sets decanter centrifuge . The drilling mud will get heavier and heavier while drilling again and again by recycling cause fine solids will be more and more without a centrifuge , then there will be problem for driller , the 2 sets decanter centrifuge will make it easier while drilling cause they will separate the fines and keep drilling mud in a certain density .