One Set Drilling Cuttings Process System Delivery to CNPC

GN Solids Control just dleiveried one set drilling cuttings process system to CNPC jobsite with engineers help commissioning on jobsite also . That is designed tipically for water base drilling mud drilling cuttings and they choose Hi G dryer shaker and decanter centrifuge for process . This is one of the modular design for water base mud drilling cuttings process with Hi G dryer part and decanter centrifuge part . And they choose another modular for oil base mud drilling cuttings process by vertical cuttings dryer and decanter centrifuge also for different drilling conditions .

Vertical cuttings dryer is one of the main equipment for drying drilling cuttings by centrifugal force by screen 0.25 to 0.5 mm size . The drying effenciency between 3 percent to 5 percent fluids content inside which will be good for the result . The treating capacity max 50 tons per hour depending on treating requirement . The bowl diameter size 930 mm and feeding by screw auger .

Decanter centrifuge will be lay after vertical cuttings dryer for recycle fluids content at speed 30 cubic meters per hour by GNLW363 model centrifuge , it can separate solids 2 – 5 microns by centrifugal force . The bowl diameter 360 mm with bowl length 1271 mm by SS2205 stainless material . The screw bolted tungsten carbid tiles on for helping protect screw impeller for longer working life .

Hi G dryer is on economy option for water base mud drilling cuttings process as it is only one third of the price of vertical cuttings dryer . The treating efficiency will be much lower than vertical cuttings dryer but still can be on good option depending on drilling conditions and budget information . Please contact GN Solids Control for more info.

GNCM -40A Drilling Waste Management Package For Russia Client

GNCM -40A is one of GN models of the drilling waste management package , it is contains of vertical cuttings dryer , decanter centrifuge , centrifuge feeding pump , mud agitator and work plat form . This is one of the popular model for drilling waste management in oil and gas industry to work as a package . This design can be working in a drilling waste management working plant or work beside solids control system on drilling site depending on client request .

The work plat form is the base of a whole package to hold all equipment and attachment together for fast moving . The work plat form contains 3 main different part , the first part is a vertical cuttings dryer plat form with a high skid to sit dryer , handrail and walkway for working on top . The second part of plat form is a small holding tank to hold mud after vertical cuttings dryer with a mud agitator on top and a slurry pump for feeding decanter centrifuge . The third part is the centrifuge work plat form with a high skid to allow centrifuge discharge into a tank by weight instead of by pump .

Vertical cuttings dryer and decanter centrifuge are the 2 main equipment for GNCM -40A drilling waste management package , the dryer will be mainly to dry drilling cuttings from solids control system and keep sure drying effeiciency bellow 5 percent and discharge fluids content recycled into holding tank , the centrifuge will be fed by a pump from holding tank for recycle drilling fluids and discharge clean mud into solids control system or to a storage mud tank . There are different option for decanter centrifuge and vertical cuttings dryer , VFD control is the top option with PLC control .

10 Sets Of Mud Storage Tank Delivery To PNG

GN Solids Control deliveried 10 sets of mud
storage tank
to PNG last week , the mud tanks all can be delivery inside of
container to save freight cost . This PNG client has been work with GN solids
control for more than 3 years and the early cooperate was for shaker screens ,
After the screen order running well , they started to purchase other items like
mud tank from GN Solids . Untill now, they already purchased 16 sets of mud
tank from us and all of them meet requirement with happy working solution and
design .

The mud tanks are using 8mm steel for tank
bottom and 6mm steel for tank wall , 2200 mm x 2200 mm size make it can be
delivery inside of container , V type bottom make it easier to clean mud tank
and reduce solids settling down and block . 8 inch mud suction line at bottom
to keep sure mud suction and 6 inch mud feed line to make a circulation . It is
checker plate on tank top with a hole for checking , the hole is covered by a
door to keep sure mud tank is sealed and stop run goes in . Each tank has a
same design and can be connected by pipelines to maximum mud tank storage
capacity , the 4 sets of vertical tank can be lay in a line or square as per
client request and jobsite condition .

Other then mud tanks , GN Solids supply
solids control equipment also including shale shaker , oilfield
decanter centrifuge , desander to separate sand , desilter to separate silt ,
pump for transfer drilling mud , mud agitator for avoid solids setling down .
The electrical control system will be customized as per different equipment and
different standard .

Two Sets Of Drilling Waste Management Equipment Delivery To Africa

Drilling waste management equipment is designed to dry oilfield drilling cuttings that discharge from shale shaker on solids control system . The drilling cuttings that discharge from shale shaker normally contains some percentage of fluids but we don’t want the fluids content , and wanna to separate the fluids contain out to get dry solids . The vertical cuttings dryer is designed by centrifugal force to separate fluids contain out within 5 percent , so that the dry solids can be delivery away for further process .

Other then vertical cuttings dryer , there will need oil field decanter centrifuge to recycling the fluids content that separated from oil field drilling cuttings . The fluids contain will contains a lot of fine solids cause screen of vertical dryer minimum 0.25mm size hole , one set of high speed decanter centrifuge will be layed after vertical cuttings dryer for 2 – 5 microns separation , the dry solids out of decanter centrifuge will be delivery away for further treatment together with dry drilling cuttings out of vertical cuttings dryer and fluids contain will be transferred into solids control system for re-use .

There can be different of pump for feeding decanter centrifuge , screw pump is the best way to protect solids content to keep more the majority solids can be separated out . The screw pump normally will be lay separately or on the vertical cuttings dryer working frame . It will takes some space on the frame . Screw auger will be used also on feeding of vertical cuttings dryer or transfer other solids content or drilling cuttings to save man power . GN Solids Control build a full line of drilling waste management system , there are more information on GN website or you can ring GN office for more information .

GN Shale Shaker Will Be Shown At Oil And Gas Indonesia 2015

GN Solids Control booked a 18 square meters stand at Oil and Gas Indonesia 2015 in Jakarta which will be shown between sep 9th and sep 12th year 2015 . GN Solids Control showed one set of GNZS703 –HB shale shaker in year 2013 at Jakarta to promote GN shale shaker in Jakarta for oil and gas industry . There will be different model of shale shaker shown in different industry and area , GNZS703E –HB model is the most popular model for oil and gas industry , so GN Solids will show this model mostly for oil and gas show like Indonesia , China , Russia , Americal , Middle East , etc . But for Australia show , GN Solids show GNZS752E –DZ model mostly for trenchless or coal gas methan industry for max 200 GPM capacity .

The shale shaker can be fixed with desander and or desilter cyclone for finer separation for 50 microns by desander cyclone or 20 microns by desilter cyclone or both cyclones installed for a three in one machine . The bottom shaker screen will be working to dry solids from desander and or desilter nozzle and clean mud after cyclone will be guide into mud tank though different pipeline . So shale shaker plus desander and shaker plus desilter and shaker is the most popular three phase cleaning set up , some times you can choose desander and desilter without bottom shaker depending on budget and drilling mud requirement , but this will happen a lot of drilling mud lost cause too much fluids contains in the solids particals drop from desander and desilter nozzle .

Other than shale shaker , GN Solids Control supply a full line of solids control system including mud tank and other tank attachment , please contact GN Solids office for more information .

200GPM Solids Removal Unit For Drilling Industry

GN 200 GPM solids removal unit is a very compact design for drilling industry for 200 GPM mud flow at 40 mesh shaker screen , the 40 mesh shaker screen can be separate about 400 micron solids , some times , client can choose high mesh shaker screen for finner micron separation . The mud tank can be 3 m long for the max compact for diamond drilling which will need very compact and very fast removal . The mixing application can be a optional choice depending on drilling conditions or requirement .

Main Equipment For Solids Removal Unit

1. Shale shaker will be for first phase cleaning for 100 – 400 microns separation , the 200 GPM solids removal unit will use the mini shaker to reach max 200 GPM mud flow but there are different size of shaker for options depending on drilling requirement . GNZS703E shale shaker is the most popular model for oil and gas drilling and coal bed methan drilling or any drilling mud flow around 500 GPM or above .

2. Desander and desilter is an option choice, client will chose spec depending on their requirement. If for very small mud flow mud recycling , normally they won’t need cyclones and this will require centrifugal pump which will require big power system , so some client will choose without desander and desilter .
3. Decanter centrifuge will work to separate solids 2 -5 microns by high speed centrifuge . There are different bowl size of decanter centrifuge , and GNLW223 decanter centrifuge will be mainly working for diamond drilling and the 200 GPM solids removal unit and GNLW363 decanter centrifuge will be working on oil and gas drilling , coal bed methan , etc
4. Mud tanks and pumps depending on requirement .

6 Sets Decanter Centrifuge Order From South Americal

The oil price is keeping down for a very long time since end of last year and this make all the drilling job get very down and delay our cancel to buy new drilling equipment like drilling rig , mud pump , solids control equipment or spare parts cause many rigs stay home without working . Many people that working in oil drilling industry left for the hard time and situation . The shrink on the market brought a big chanllenge to the oil drilling equipment , and solids control equipment as main of GN equipment affect a lot .

GN Solids control is one of the leading manufacturer for solids control equipment , the international oil condition affected GN Solids also and it brings a great difficult to get order from chient . There are many second hand equipment for sale which brings new chanlenge for new equipment . GN Solids Control got a new order for South America for 6 sets decanter centrifuge and 40 sets of drilling mud agitators .

GNLW363 CG – VFD decanter centrifuge is a varied speed decanter centrifuge from 0 to 3200 RPM , the 363 CG is update improved high speed decanter centrifuge with tungsten carbide tiles bolted on centrifuge to keep centrifuge for longer working life and long running time without break down and easy for maintenance . The variable speed control will allow the centrifuge working in during working condition by adjust the centrifuge bowl . It can be fix for a low speed when separate bentonite and set for a high speed for separate very fine solids . The 40 sets mud agitators will fixed on mud tanks that build by client for mud chemicals setting down . There are single layer or double layer impeller depending on tank depth and size .

Vertical Cuttings Dryer Will Be Shown At MIOGE 2015 Oil & Gas Show

Vertical cuttings dryer is the main equipment for drilling waste management system to dryer drilling cuttings discharge out from shale shaker on solids control system . Other than only vertical cuttings dryer , GN Solids will be able to supply a whole drilling waste management with different design or options . There will need one or 2 auger to feed vertical cuttings dryer on top hopper , then solids will be dryed and drop on bottom with fluids content less than 5% . The fluids content will be delivery to a small holding tank and a transfer pump will be layed on holding tank , the transfer pump will suction mud from holding tank to decanter centrifuge , the solids will discharge out and fluids will be drop to a clean tank .

Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition is the full name of MIOGE , it will be held at expocentre of Moscow in Russia , exhibition time will be on June 23 to June 26 of year 2015 . GN stand no. on MIOGE 2015 is H227 , Pavilion 8 , Hall 2 . This is the forth time of GN Solids take part in MIOGE exhibition which is a every important activity of promte maket at Russia .

GN Solids vertical cuttings dryer will be working for oil base mud drilling cuttings and water base mud cuttings both , there will be a air compressor needed for the air knife installed which will be working help avoid solids block at screen basket . One set screw pump will be needed also to clean dryer fluids outlet and avoid too high viscosity fluids discharge . The dryer will be handle drilling cuttings 30 – 50 tons per hour , the client need choose a suitable auger for feeding vertical cuttings dryer .

Oil Field Decanter Centrifuge For Solids Control System

A oil field solids control system including shale shaker , mud tank , centrifugal pump , desander , desilster , mud cleaner , vacuum degasser , mud agitator , poor boy degasser , mud gun , etc . A complete line of solids control system will help to make a circulation for drilling mud with mud recycling , mixing and storage application . There will be different models of above equipment with different size tank and pipeline arrangement to make different solids control system .

Oil field decanter centrifuge is the forth phase cleaning equipment after desilter cone to separation solids 2 – 5 microns by different model and size of decanter centrifuge . GN Solids Control supply several models with different size of bowl and bowl speed . Amoung all the models , GNLW363 –CG , GNLW363 CG – VFD , GNLW363 –CD , GNLW363 CD-VFD  are the most popular models for oil field . They are all 360mm diameter for bowl diameter and 3200 RPM speed max , but the VFD control panel will make decanter centrifuge speed changeable from 0 to 3200 RPM . There are tungsten carbile tiles or ceramic tiles bolted on screw impeller depending on different model .

The shale shaker will be the first phase cleaning to 400 micron by 40 mesh screen , the mud flow will be depending on screen size a lot . Desander is the second phase cleaning by centrifugal force and desilter is the third phase cleaning by centrifugal force . All this will reduce centrifuge load and separate drilling cuttings , sand and silter . The vacuum degasser will lay before desander to separate gas in drilling mud and poor boy degasser lay before shale shaker .

The oilfield decanter centrifuge will require ex – plossion proof electrical motor and electrical control panels . Please contact GN Solids freely if you have special requirement on standard or requirement .

GN 500 GPM No Dig Mud Recycling Unit Finish Building For Middle East Client

GN Solids finish built 2 sets of No Dig mud recycling unit for a Middle East Client for 500 GPM mud flow . No Dig mud recycling unit will be work with horizontal directional drilling rig , there will be one set vertical slurry pump fit on the pit beside drill hole for feeding shale shaker on mud recycling unit . The 2 sets of No Dig mud recycling unit will be working for one project at two end of drilling site .

Benefit Of GN 500 GPM No Dig Mud Recycling Unit

500 GPM mud flow capacity feed by one set vertical slurry pump fit on mud pit beside drill hole , the vertical slurry pump has to be fit vertical to keep vertical pump good protected . Bottom of double deck shale shaker has to install 40 mesh or lower mesh screen to keep 500 GPM mud flow .

Double deck shale shaker for desander and desilter will be very compact design tank and small foot print . The bottom deck will be working for first phase cleaning by lower mesh size from 40 to 80 , the first double deck shaker install 2 no. of desander and second double deck install 12 no. of desilter cone .

20 feed mud tank for easy transport and truck locking , the 2 sets double deck shale shaker fit on another 20 feet container size frame for fast moving shale shaker and easy installation . The 2 sets centrifugal pump fit on tank skid under 2 sets shale shaker . The both centrifugal pump is mechanical seal .

Other than 500 GPM No Dig mud recycling unit , GN Solids build other size of md recycling unit like 200 GPM , 800 GPM , 1000 GPM , 1500 GPM mud recycling unit . Please contact GN Solids for more information .